Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Linda saw more
With sightless eyes
Than I have in six decades
Through mine.

I told her she had beautiful eyes
The color of chestnuts.
Smiling, she said
She did not know colors
And I felt foolish
For having said such a thing.
But her easy laughter
Dispelled my gaffe.

When Linda sang
Birds hushed in embarrassed silence
And when her song ended
I could not speak.
It was a holy moment
As though in heaven
God smiled
And the altar sparked
With light and heat.

But that is not something
I could say
Through my once youthful lips.
Age has taught me better
And I wish I had said as much
Sitting before her
Cross-legged on the floor.

She bowed her head at her Steinway 
And her chestnut eyes misted
Like the cold November evening
Beyond her window.

Time and circumstance
Are harsh on friendships.
Linda is a memory now.
But occasionally
When I need cheering
I take Linda from the album cover
Among the dusty files of my mind.

Nobody watching could understand
The hushed pause a brief moment required 
While my inner ear
Placed the stylus in the groove
And I listen once more to Linda sing.

My foolish brain wonders
Whether the loss of sight
Was Linda’s stylus
And the subtraction of one gift
Became the addition of another.

My dear friend
You remain always beyond the horizon.
I will someday find you.
Not with eyes
But by the groove in my listening heart.


Ron said...

I really, really, really, like this. I remember Linda. She was very special.