Thursday, October 27, 2016


She said I should be ashamed
That I am a foolish
Impossible man.

I listened.

She said I am utterly
Without feeling
And selfish beyond words.

It seemed she was having no trouble
Finding words.

She said I have no regard
For others
And all I think of is myself.

I thought about what she said.

Then she drummed her fingers
And finally said
There’d been a lot of water under the bridge.

I said nothing in reply.

But this is what I thought…
There is no water under bridges
I’ve burned.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Today I sat in the dirt.
I took a handful of soil
Raised it to my nostrils
And breathed the loam
Of life on this planet.
I am from that clay.

I filtered that soil
Through my fingers
Remembering that
My grandfather lost his life
For the loss of his soil.
My father fought across
To insure I would be
Upon free soil.


That is what life is about.
We can engineer incredible
Vegetables and fruit
But we cannot create

I am alive because of the
That rained from my fingers.

When I die
I will return to that

We’ve got it wrong
My friend.
Terribly wrong.

It is not gold and silver
We should seek.
It is the rich
Stuff of life
The bed of all created things.

We should treasure that
Which we sweep away.
Life is in the soil.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Late Autumn Nights

Late Autumn Nights

She cupped the moon
High above the maple
That was slowly
Removing her gown
In that easy
Seductive dance
Of autumn.

She gained the advantage
Shaking loose
Her starry locks
Brushing them
Across my eyes
And those of the old
Barn owl
Patrolling the softly lit
Newly harvested.

She would remain with me
All the night
Taking me into the mystery
Of her marred features

Her throaty hum
Measured the passion
She shared with me
And any other
Willing to stay long enough
To dance the dark
And kiss away
The shadows and the freeze.

Monday, October 17, 2016

A Certain Place

A Certain Place

I thought I’d be there

Where the lines converged.
All my expectations were thus.
Even my baggage
And mail
Were forwarded
To that bright
And certain place.

Imagine my dismay
To find
I’d been left behind
In the shadows
Among the cobwebs
And dim memories
Reduced by time
And its affiliates.


She said
My shoes needed shinned
Missing completely
My smile
My eyes
Even my hand
Against her cheek
All trying to tell her
I loved her.

I nodded
And walked away.

A Cowboy

If sweaty cowboy hats
Wrinkled pearl button shirts
And old boots
Makes a man a
I am one.

If being dragged an acre
Through East Texas dirt
Wearing gravel like a smile
And standing up
To those
Who would stare me down
Makes a man a
I am one.

If clinging to the reins
And wind-blown mane
Of a charging mustang
And riding
Hell for leather
Down forested hills
Across rain-swollen streams
Makes a man a
I am one.

If eating unrecognizable chow
In a steady drizzle
After sleeping the night
On cold
Hard earth
And dreaming of a girl
With a narrow mind
And wide hips
Makes a man a cowboy
I am one.

But if a
Is that dandy
With a five hundred dollar
And a thousand dollar grin...
Then, I aint.

The Pull of Gravity

As a younger man
And a dreamer
Before the world changed
I would go the airport
And sit at a random gate
To watch people scurry
For their flights
Talking hurriedly
Saying goodbyes
In anticipation of hellos.

Beyond the sheets
Of plate glass
Behemoths waited
Their wings wide
Ready for speed
And thin air.

I would sit and wonder
At the lives that would
Soon board
And the fragile tubes
That would carry them away
Imagining I were
Awaiting that flight
Inventing for myself
An alternate life
In San Francisco
Or even Toledo.

This I did for a few hours
Until the weight and
Pull of gravity
Returned me to Chicago
And its grim boulevards
And gritty alleyways
And a wife who saw
And wanted
Especially from me.


Fully Consumed

You may not remember

I was on fire
When we met.

Flames leapt from my hair
And I was fully consumed.

You looked at me
Not comprehending
My desperate state.

It was embarrassing
To be in such alarming

I should have apologized
But it seemed
My throat had become
A smokestack
And I was incapable
Of uttering a word.

I have not seen you
In a long while.

But, I am still
A smoldering ruin.

Last Request

A hot cup of coffee
And sweet apple pie
That’s all I’ll ask
Before I die.

You can stand me up
Against a wall
And I reckon
I won’t mind at all.

I don’t much care
If I’m to be shot
So long as there’s pie
And the coffee is hot.

Just cut me a slice
And pour me a cup
I won’t even fight
I’ll give myself up!


Caught in the Open

Once upon a time
I was caught in the open.
Three rounds passed
So close
I felt their heat
Upon my cheek.

Caught in a crossfire
I fell to the ground
Willing myself to dig
A refuge
A place of safety.

The man in front of me was
And fell silently
To the soil.

The man behind me
Bullets tracing his path.

And then it was over.
Suddenly over.

But to this day
When I find myself
Caught in the open
I look for a place to fall
Wondering if the soil
Is soft enough to yield
To my desperate
Clawing fingers.

Dead Eyes

Grandpa shot a crow
From the tree
Outside my room.

It steals the food
Of other birds and animals
And has an annoying caw
Grandpa said.

It lay dead in the grass
Under the tree
Its black eyes open
I bent over it
Mesmerized by its

That was sixty years ago
And I still see those

I have seen scores of

But the first
I ever saw
Were a crow’s.

That dead crow
Is still taking things…
My shock over

Maybe grandpa knew
Others were coming
So I needed to get used
To seeing so, so many


I shutter my life
With vented panels
To allow a little light
But no exterior vision.

Some light is necessary.
It tells the approximate
Time of day
And where I placed
Those damned cufflinks
I never wear.

But I need no vision
Beyond my room
Else I may see her
Strolling the street
And I explode from my door
Chasing her
Begging her
Come back to me
Or I die.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


It is a universe of sound.


If you ride out an hour

Before dawn

You may even hear

The sun rise.

If you tune your hearing well

As you sip your coffee

You can hear sweat trickle

Down the skin

Of the bean gatherer.

Listen well

And you may hear

Electricity in the wires…

Flowers opening their petals…

Lips spreading in a smile…

Ants scaling blades of grass…

Shadows sliding across sidewalks…

Ideas forming in the minds of children…

Pupils dilating in the eyes of lovers…

Midnight dew gathering upon lawns.

But, for me

All that must be heard

Can be had

In the creak of saddle leather

And the silent song

Of my horse.

He Said He Knows Me

It is impossible

For one man to

Chart the course

Of another.

Winds blow

From every

Point of the compass.

Tides rise and fall.

Storms blow suddenly.

Masts snap.

Canvass rots.

A vessel may linger long

In the doldrums

Before gaining trade winds.

A man may examine the timber

Inspect the lines

Evaluate the worthiness

Of the ship.

A man might even hazard a guess

As to where the crew last moored.

But no man may know

The course

Of another.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sugar Cube

Love me, please. Love me again.

The maple tree
Beneath whose canopy
She stood
Was a blaze of golden flame.
Leaves fell between us
And upon our shoulders
As I contemplated her plea.

I thought her sincere.

But there was far more
Between us
Than autumn leaves.

There was too little left
Of myself
And I feared that I
Like a sugar cube
Drenched with water
Yet maintaining its form
Was sure to crumble
To disassemble
Should the slightest bit more
Be inflicted.

I had no reply
I am certain
My eyes told her

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Dear Readers...

I was asked about the sometimes vast difference in style and content contained in my posts. Some are heartfelt; intimate. Others, like the one posted next, are lighthearted, and silly. My answer? Life reflects the variance. One moment we cry. Wait an hour or two, and we'll smile, maybe laugh. But there's a further note...not every poem is autobiographical. Some are. Others are clear misses, complete fiction. Which are which? You tell me.

Sweet Wife

I’m plucking my bowstring

While she plucks her eyebrows.

She’s counting her wishes

While I’m out counting cows.

She talks to her girlfriends

While I talk to myself.

She values society

While I hide in stealth.

There seems no possible limit

That she would not go

While I’m all about stopping

Her long downward roll.

Don’t get me wrong here

I love my sweet wife

But I’m telling you, mister

She squeezes my life!

I guess that’s the way

It just seems to be.

But when you get right down to it

It’s probably just me.

Summer Storm

Summer Storm

In an early-summer storm

I sat beneath a wide porch roof
Much in need of repair.
Soon, the rains discovered
Their portals
Onto my shoulders
And I shuffled to better advantage.

The incessant downpour
Lulled me
Toward a brighter
Summer day
With bread and drink
In the tall grass
Near the university.

She was again there
Laughing musically
The full light of noon
Dancing from her hair.
She lay before me
More inviting than the food
We’d prepared.

The charm of memory
Soaked my heart
And I absorbed again
Her eyes
Scarlet lips
Her tender form
And soft words.

How maddening
That summer storms
May wet the dreamer
But the fury of the heart
Leaves the lover
In tall grass
Beneath poor slates
In a dreary summer storm.


I am not that
Which looks back
At me.

Those eyes, ears
That nose
Those lips 
That chin
Are not myself.

These are useful
But only as clay
To the pot
Whose purpose
Is to present the bloom.

These briefly remain
Until age or injury
Replaces them
With those of younger
More appropriate hosts.

Until such time
I remember daily
That I am useful
As I exalt the bloom.

Let the reader understand.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Amethyst and Flame

Leaves of green 
Rust away 
Like the hulls

Of neglected boats
Sleeping at their moors.

Along the quiet avenues
They skitter down
Loosing their bonds
Blanketing the swales
In auburn
Russet and gold.

Laughing children
Skip through them
Sounding as
Dry bones rattling
Or parchments rising
From dusty confines
Along the Dead Sea.

I haven’t the will
To rake them.
Why remove
The only color
This poor city ever sees
Besides the broken amber glass
Of whiskey bottles
Thrown against curbs?

Autumnal winds
Will soon gather them
To deposit
Along fence lines
And limestone foundations
As beds prepared
For virgin snows.

Before their going
I selected a single maple leaf
Amethyst and flame
To pin against my mirror
As reminder
That all creation
Is magnificent
In its spiraling
Final waltz.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Trash Compound

I watched him

Turn the corner
At the edge of the building.

I knew this man.
I’d propped him up before
Removing his sodden boots
And socks
Cleaned his feet
Putting fresh socks on
His peeling feet.

But I wasn’t having this.

Walking into the trash compound
He tugged at his zipper.
A stream of fluid
That I guessed was
Mostly beer
Ran around his feet
Into the parking lot.

Before he could re-zip
I was out the door
Awaiting his emergence
From the trash compound.

Expecting renewed compassion
I disappointed the aging drunk
With scalding retribution
And harsh berating.

He acted more shocked than ashamed.
That fueled my anger
And he walked away
With his shaggy head down.

You can throw up in my arms
But you sure as hell
May not pee in my trash.