Monday, December 30, 2019

Master of the Obvious....41

The fragrance of faithfulness is the sexiest aroma on the planet.

Master of the Obvious...40

A man who possesses his own soul walks with a steady gait and casts a shadow that is unashamed to walk beside him.

Master of the Obvious...39

If you haven't listened to a midnight train, gravel popping under truck tires, a whippoorwill or mourning dove, cicadas in the trees, or grandma's cooking oil snapping at chicken frying, you can't be a southerner.

Master of the Obvious...38

Nothing on earth weighs more than a badge pinned to a chest.

Master of the Obvious...37

Real men keep their car stereos at a decibel that does not make others' ears bleed.

Master of the Obvious...36

Real men keep their trousers up around their waist.

Master of the Obvious...35

Real men do not wear their hats backward.

Master of the Obvious...34

Life  changed for the worse when front porches became backyard decks.

Master of the Obvious...33

Not all silver beards adorn the wise.

Master of the Obvious...32

If you'll wait a  bit, dull thoughts will come into sharp focus.

Master of the Obvious...31

Silence shouts 

The Empty Space Between Us

The Empty Space Between Us

Had you not kissed me
when I leaned through
the empty space between us
we would not be here now.

Our children, playing at our feet
would not be here
had you not met me
in the empty space between us.

Everything we are, and all we have
would not make up our home
had we not joined together
in the empty space between us.

In the empty space between us
we have built our lives.
We have created a legacy
that continues and thrives…

In the empty space between us.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Master of the Obvious...30

A real man, good and true, commonly wonders if he is a real man, good and true. 



I examined ominous tracks in the snow
And it didn’t take long to see
What every shepherd knows.
So I went for my  shotgun
And a box of solid shot
And waited for the going down of the sun.
The tracks circled my sheep
So I kept real quiet
Careful not to make a peep.
All night I huddled in the cold
With no fire to show
Sure to check those critters, bold.

I watched the moon creep through the trees
As I huddled in the snow
Freezing, down on my knees.
Along about three in the morning
The wolves crept stealthily in
With nary a call out of warning.
But I was wide awake and ready
With my weapon in my hand
nerves like steel, and steady.
You can drop by any time you'd like
And I’ll show you the pelts out in the barn.
They aren’t there as a trophy to any hunt.

So as not to keep you in the fog
I want to be crystal clear.
You see, a wolf is just a wolf
…but I am the sheep dog.

Master of the Obvious...29

A pretty woman in a sun dress is just about the most amazing sight on the planet.

Master of the Obvious...28

Grown men will rarely tell you they have a "best" friend. 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Master of the Obvious...27

When you have nothing constructive to say, shut up. 

Master of the Obvious...26

The best fighting with your back against the wall.

Master of the Obvious...25

There is no percentage in a midnight dust up with your mate.  

Master of the Obvious...24

'Boy, howdy!' ought need no further comment. 

Master of the Obvious...23

Never ask a barber if you need a haircut. (Not original to me, sorry to say).

Master of the Obvious...22

Allowing a woman's tears to influence major decisions has been the ruin of a many a poor lad. Conversely, the believed promises of many a wicked man has been the undoing of many a devastated lass. 

Master of the Obvious...21

It is to your advantage to look a man square in the eyes. Especially if he must look up for you to do so.

Master of the Obvious...20

There is a universe of difference between either side of the blue strobes.

Master of the Obvious...19

The price of a luxury automobile and the maintenance of a woman is nearly equal. The exception being you need not purchase the automobile every year.

Master of the Obvious...18

The love of a dog is just about the purest love on earth. 

Master of the Obvious...17

That which thrills you can also kill you.

Master of the Obvious...16

Men do not stray because they found someone better. They stray because they found someone different

Master of the Obvious...15

The sun is truly setting when small men cast giant shadows. (Something to remember when you cast your ballot next November).  

Master of the Obvious...14

If she keeps her eyes open when you kiss, she's just not that into you.

Master of the Obvious...13

If you didn't have to be home by the time the street lights came on, you may not have a firm grasp on the meaning of 'boundaries'.

Master of the Obvious...12

If you rush to wash your truck after flying down a dirt road, you ain't country!

Master of the Obvious...11

If you don't know who your great grandparents are, your wheels aren't getting enough traction.

Master of the Obvious...10

Place your trust in the preacher with the most worn Bible and the cheapest suit.

Master of the Obvious...9

That of the poorest quality is over-publicized.

Master of the Obvious...8

The only reason dandelions are considered weeds is because they are so prolific.

Master of the Obvious...7

If you're not sweating, you're not singing the blues.

Master of the Obvious...6

Foolishness may shroud in print.

Master of the Obvious...5

Debris always lurks beneath virgin snows.  

Master of the Obvious...4

Blood is the ink of every worthy contract to glory.

Master of the Obvious...3

Falling down is a typical first step.

Master of the Obvious...2

That which is most enticing is also that which is most difficult to achieve.

Master of the Obvious....1

There's a reason honey and stingers are associated.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Things the Universe taught me...
(an incomplete list)

 *stay off of...
*water towers
*little white pills
*and cheerleaders.

*every highway has an end
*there's a ditch on both sides of the road
*there's always bigger engines
*only a fool races in the dark
*it's not cool to shake, rattle and roll all at once

*coffee tastes better than beer
*sugar and salt have a balance
*nobody makes bread better than mama
*the taste of coconut suntan oil off a tanned, bare shoulder is the best dessert on the planet.

if you want to stand apart from every other man
*call a watch a timepiece
*say 'sir' and 'ma'am'
*remove your hat in a building
*and let your only scent be honor.

*take a little time every day to sit in the quiet
*listen to the dark and the universe will speak
*make a practice of slowing your breathing
*touch your mate wanting nothing in return
*find one thing for which to be thankful every night.
*practice listening to God without asking for something.

*turn off the television
*the stereo
*your cell phone
*your lights
*and your inner monologue.

*live every day to the full
*don't be afraid to do something that inspires fear
*when fear tightens your throat muscles, spit out everything that dares you
*commit to the moment
*be certain you're not acting foolishly.

*when the loving's done, never...
*turn to the wall
*go to sleep
*turn on the television
*check your email
*make small talk
*ask if it was good for her.

*never, ever...
*teach a fool
*challenge anyone with greater firepower
*make a fist to a weaker one
*train somebody you may one day fight
*give more ground than you took
*and, by all means, never say 'no'
to a lady to whom you meant to say 'yes.'

on a better day

when I sit and cry
and realize
there's no reason why
I have to give
it all away.

there's nobody left
to blame it on
and I figure out
that I'm on my own
and I know no
revelation's coming.

there are times
I let the darkness in
and settle into
whatever's left within
and know no one
will knock on my door.

light will dawn again
in the morning.
it will drive out
this cold storming
and I will stand again
on a better day.

Monday, December 16, 2019


the streets were wet
but no rain had fallen.
we appeared to stand tall
but the truth was we were crawlin'.
it was unending hell.
all day long and every night
we lashed out in fury
but neither was right.

we argued without words
but spoke with our hands
we struck so hard
but no blow could land.

what fresh hell is this
where the pain is within?
how could we resolve
this gut wrenching sin?

we screamed and we shouted
but only with our eyes
we spoke out our truth
but only through lies.

the kids went to their rooms
because they couldn't bear to see
our home crashing down
in painful misery.

the streets were all wet
but no rain fell.
we seemed to be fine
but were in hell.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Song of Songs

Song of Songs (Wedded Bliss)

I poured oil over her forehead
and watched it flow
down her face
to drip from her chin
onto her neck and breasts.

Standing in evening's
the fading sun danced
a golden gleam
and with her hands lifted
there was glory
in the room.

Oil is Presence
is blessing
unfiltered joy
and it covered her
to pool
along the planks
of the floor.

rained from the throne
and we fell
into one another
celebrating that which was
before time began
in the heart of God
and consummated
in the blistering
near crazy
and immaculate moment
on sheets of fragrant
cool linen
in air saturated
with incense
and joy.

With that amazing blessing
two became
in a land
flowing in rivers
of joy so full
it laughs and sings
to the thrill
of wonder!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels

He comes around here
every blue moon
but to hear most folks tell it
that's about one blue moon too soon.

He'll order up several stiff shots
and drop a few quarters in the machine
and sit real quiet on his stool
seeing things most boys never seen.

Not one word will cross his lips
but in his eyes you know he's gone
some say to some sweet lady's arms
but others say he's in Saigon.

He'll order up another and another
then he'll stagger away from the bar
step into the dust outside
and climb into his buddy's car.

He won't come around for a spell
and some will whisper he died.
But that's about the time
he'll walk in from outside.

Hell on Wheels is tattooed on his forearm
but he'll never talk about it none.
He just sits there sippin' his poison
and listen to the echoes of his gun.

Someday he'll stop comin' 'round here
but we'll pour his glass full anyway
and in a silent bar we'll lift ours
to the silent soldier who finally drew his pay.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

December 4, 1919

Nobody reading this, apart from my brother, will care, but today, December 4, 2019, would have been my dad's 100th birthday. My dad was a flawed man, but he was a good man. A brave man, who valued honor above everything but family. For us he would have stolen, even killed. But that was unnecessary, because old fashioned American industry fueled his inner engine, and he tirelessly labored to make sure we had every need, and most wants, fully met.

He was my hero. He had feet of clay in boots of iron. I've seen him fight and I've seen him love. War lifted him from the fate of every Arkansas share cropper, and at the end, he could buy and sell most men. 

The last words he ever said to me was "I love you." He used that phrase with far too much economy, but when he said it you understood he was serious.

He is beyond my hearing, but I must say the words meant more for my brother and I than he...Happy Birthday, dad. We love you.


chamber a round
and step into the

ignore the acid taste
in your mouth
and the tightness
in your throat.

push away the fear
and focus on that small noise
around the corner.

ask yourself
if you're sure
that round got chambered.

remove your finger
from the side of your nine
and wrap it around your trigger.

you know where the sweet spot is.
that point in the pressure
built into your weapon
when you know it will fire.

take it just this side of discharge.

make yourself swallow
hold your breath, and...

step around the corner
and do your job.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

the rope*

 I had no calculation on its
stress factor.
it was given to me long ago
and I've used it ever since.

some of it has frayed
and those bits I cut away
forgetting about them.
it still appeared as strong
as ever.

...but then the rope broke.

the end came suddenly
and I've been thinking
of synonyms ever since.


and I don't even know
if it broke on my end
or the other.

it was of no matter
whether I used good
sturdy gloves
or observed proper procedures
for securing the rope efficiently.
when a rope breaks
there is no hint
it will happen.
it simply fails
and you die.

I am as surprised as you.
not devastated
because we all know
there comes the sudden
and the fatal fall.
but knowledge is not equated
with preparation
with readiness.

there are no questions
that, if answered
will fix everything
and make for
a happy ending.

it is simply over.
it is done.
beyond help.

...the rope broke.

* Please understand. This is not about a rope. Think about it.