The Thinnest Membrane *
Midnight swallowed time
as I drove through New Mexico.
The vented window hissed
streaming air
and I imagined
all the sleeping serpents
beneath that cold, full, desert moon.
The radio was nothing but white noise.
Was that my imagination
or was I hearing the muffled thunder
of hundreds
of pony hooves
just out of sight
wending through caprocks and arroyos?
Did I just hear the piercing scream
of a cavalry bugle
and the rattle of breech loaders
sounding like ripping fabric?
Were those ghost riders flashing
in western sheet lightening
a hundred miles distant
among towering thunderheads?
Walden wrote
"Time is the river I go fishing in."
Perhaps the single difference
between the painted war ponies
between the yellow kerchiefed blue jackets and me
is our means of conveyance.
All things being equal
I prefer this empty highway
and the rumble of my engine.
A thermos of stout
black coffee rests in the floorboard
in front of my passenger seat.
It's time for a roadside pit stop
some blended bean
and a shake or two of my weary head.
That's when I heard the clear wail
of a wolf
just beyond the headlights
of my pony car.
Be cautious as you venture
between the panorama of your imagination
and mystic veil of time.
There is the thinnest membrane between yesterday and you.
*From a memorable night trip in April, 1990