Tuesday, September 10, 2013


There is no future
In the present.
Speculation is all there is.
And speculation is powerless
To provide a wise guide
A sure footing
A sound grasp.

The first step into the unknown
Is always an act of faith and hope.

It is not that the future is a blur
Or an indistinct image.
The future exists but in our hearts
And minds.
It is what we cause it to be
By our decisions
Diligence and labor.

Tell the architect his building of tomorrow
Waits on the corner
And he will ask who supplied
The steel
The concrete
The pipes and wiring.

Tell the surgeon his patient is healed
And he will ask who
Manipulated the scalpel.

Tell the general the war is won
And he will ask the battle losses.

But tell lovers they have tomorrow
And they believe you.
Yet, the fabric of their union
Is as much in question
As the structure
The patient
The battle.

I have stepped into that dark uncertainty
And discovered there is only as much reason
To believe
As there is dedication to endure
Hardship and sacrifice
Gritty determination and resolve
To create a love worthy of timelessness.

A building is more than an address.
A patient is more than an operation.
A war is more than a battle.
And a love is more than emotion.

Today is the tomorrow of yesterday.