Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Personal Note----It Hurts Sometimes

Yesterday I attended the funeral of a dear friend. Ken was 66 years young. Friday evening, while at his desk he suffered a massive heart attack and stepped into eternity. I have stared into the face of death many times. I was often present when life winked out, like the dying of an ember. When I saw Ken, the mortician had already applied his handiwork. But I gotta tell you...this death got to me. Ken and I served side by side at the police department, and together we had been through some pretty terrible things. Yesterday, looking at Ken lying in his box, I felt very alone. There is one fewer voice I loved to hear. One fewer shoulder I knew was always available to me. One less ear to listen to my confessions. One less heart to love me. Writing this, I realize how selfish this all sounds. I know I will see Ken again. I know he is okay, right now, in the arms of his Savior.

But I feel the loss of a brother right now, in this moment. And it hurts. I hate death, and look with eager anticipation to the time Death itself will die.


Post Script....Tell someone you love you love them. Tell them what they mean to you. How indispensible they are to you. How greatly you rely upon them. Do it now.


Ron said...

I am sincerely sorry for your loss, my brother. Death sucks. And it will die. But until then ... the pain is increasingly frequent. I have prayed for you today.

Your lil brudder