Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Shoes I Stood In

The last time I stood in these shoes
I was a much younger man.
I still believed in attainable horizons
And the possibility of love.

The last time I stood in these shoes
I believed the worst pain
Life could offer was a hard fist
In a soft gut.

The last time I stood in these shoes
I could still blush
When a pretty girl whispered
A few filthy suggestions.

The last time I stood in these shoes
I could chase the sun down
And the moon rise
On nothing but pork skins and Swisher Sweets.

Son, the last time I stood in these shoes
I still believed it was impossible for me
To shuck a blade
And peel the core out of a fool like you.

But I’m a full grown man now
And damn few horizons are attainable
A fist in the gut is the least of pains
Pretty girls say the vilest things
I let others do the driving these days
And a blade shucks as easily as corn.

Things changed as I grew older.
I wear boots now
Hoping they'll make a difference
In the outcome.


Tim O'Keefe said...

THis is brilliant!

Thanks for keeping it up.