Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sounds I Love

Sounds I Love...

·        The soft breathing of the one I love at 2am

·        Rain falling steadily

·        Sleet tapping at my midnight window panes

·        Coffee percolating in old-time coffee pots

·        The creak of saddle leather on a horse

·        The chains moving above an old-time front porch swing

·        The deep-throated growl of a stout small block Chevy

·        Genuine, unrestricted laughter

·        Children splashing in the front yard water hose

·        Dogs barking

·        Wind in the tree tops

·        Rivers moving over smooth stones

·        The call of migrating geese

·        The metallic slide of a gas nozzle entering my filling port

·        Far-off AM radios at the beach

·        The rhythmic lapping of the sea upon a deserted midnight beach

·        The song of my tires on a rain-slick street

·        The quiet hush of a woman’s dress falling to the floor

·        Boots kicking into the corner

·        An ice cream truck’s inviting ring

·        A child’s enchanted laughter

·        My truck gearing down for a stop

·        Thunder

·        The popping of a flag in the wind

·        The silence of a cemetery

·        The thrilling cheer at a baseball game (and the smack of a ball on wood)

·        Her satisfied sigh as she pulls away

·        The strike of a wooden match 

·        Cows lowing in a field

·        Horses hooves pounding the prairie at full gallop

·        The intake of air into my own lungs coming as exclamation 

·        The hush of midnight snow