Thursday, December 19, 2019

Things the Universe taught me...
(an incomplete list)

 *stay off of...
*water towers
*little white pills
*and cheerleaders.

*every highway has an end
*there's a ditch on both sides of the road
*there's always bigger engines
*only a fool races in the dark
*it's not cool to shake, rattle and roll all at once

*coffee tastes better than beer
*sugar and salt have a balance
*nobody makes bread better than mama
*the taste of coconut suntan oil off a tanned, bare shoulder is the best dessert on the planet.

if you want to stand apart from every other man
*call a watch a timepiece
*say 'sir' and 'ma'am'
*remove your hat in a building
*and let your only scent be honor.

*take a little time every day to sit in the quiet
*listen to the dark and the universe will speak
*make a practice of slowing your breathing
*touch your mate wanting nothing in return
*find one thing for which to be thankful every night.
*practice listening to God without asking for something.

*turn off the television
*the stereo
*your cell phone
*your lights
*and your inner monologue.

*live every day to the full
*don't be afraid to do something that inspires fear
*when fear tightens your throat muscles, spit out everything that dares you
*commit to the moment
*be certain you're not acting foolishly.

*when the loving's done, never...
*turn to the wall
*go to sleep
*turn on the television
*check your email
*make small talk
*ask if it was good for her.

*never, ever...
*teach a fool
*challenge anyone with greater firepower
*make a fist to a weaker one
*train somebody you may one day fight
*give more ground than you took
*and, by all means, never say 'no'
to a lady to whom you meant to say 'yes.'