Wednesday, April 19, 2017

As the Day Draws Near

He kicked the mud off his boots
On the steps, by the door.
Didn’t matter what I’d ask him
I knew what he came for.

In a minute he stood before me
And the others began to scatter.
Like I said, there was no talking.
This time it didn’t matter.

In the low light, I turned to face him.
He had the furtive smile of a rat
He had the dominance of a bull
And the agility of a cat.

He nodded slowly at me
Wanting me to make my play.
It did not matter who drew first
At the end of the day.

Slowly, I drew back my duster
And nudged the loop off the hammer.
This was all about a woman
I never loved, and she didn't matter.

Like thunder, he fired his hog-leg
My shot went wide and high.
I caught his ball in my chest
And I knew I must die.

To all of you dusty riders
Who drink hard, and play with women
There is a day of comeuppance
Sure as hell, when you’re sinnin’.

Some kid took my Remington.
Another kid got my hat.
A drunk fool took my money.
Can you see now where I’m at?

They planted my body down by the river
In a grove of apple trees.
I’ll lay here till the resurrection
When I will stand before the God that sees.

Will he have a six shooter?
How will an avenging God appear?
Will it be a fair fight?
I tremble as the Day draws near.