Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh, Mother

I can’t say I miss my mother
Because if I do
I think I’ll cry.
I can’t say I miss my mother
When I didn’t see her die.

That thing I saw in the box
Wasn’t her.
It was just a waxy little thing
And bore only the resemblance
A peasant may bear to a Queen.

I only hope she knew
I loved her
And what she meant to me.
I’m not sure I ever told her
It’s not in my memory.

She was such a gentle woman
With a bold
And indomitable heart.
Every time I think of her
Tears from my eyelids start.

Please rush and tell your mother
You love her
And how much she means to you.
Tell her before it’s too late
To do what you should do.

One day I’ll see my mother.
And she’ll hug me
To her breast
She’ll tussle my hair like she used to
And gather me to my rest.

Oh, mother, if you can hear me
I want you
To know I miss you every day.
And words just don’t do justice
To all I meant to say.


Ron said...

Two thumbs up, brother. Two thumbs way up.