Friday, September 23, 2011

Dear Enemy*

This is my ground.
I know where the land slopes
Where it rises
Where the sink holes are
Every stand of timber
And rocky outcropping.

I know where the ambushes lay.

There are places on this land
Where sound is muted
And where echoes reverberate.

Like I said
This is my ground.

The surprising thing is you know this
Yet still choose to meet me on ground
I haunt.

You are a very foolish man.

If you survive you will learn about terrain.
You will learn…
Not to fight uphill
That your rear is as exposed as your front
That rapid death comes from the oblique of your flank
That warriors perish from failure to look up
That every step you make is a commitment
That in battle things roll up faster than down
That with your back to a wall you have but two options on a 3D field
That all ground is multi-dimensional
That weather changes terrain in unexpected ways
That failure to adjust to changes insure slaughter
That you should never prepare for what your enemy is able to do
But that for which your enemy is willing to do.

A fierce old cavalry commander once said
Victory goes to the one that
"Gets there the firstest with the mostest."

I'm coming for you.
With everything.

But don’t worry about anything.
By the time you see me it'll be over.
Keep pretending I'm not around.

You made a mistake
When you violated the woman
I have sworn to protect.

You have chosen hard ground.
How unfortunate.

Dear Enemy
Thank you for coming.

Have a nice day.

(* To the man who assaulted my wife)