Monday, March 24, 2014

So Much to Fear

I was five years old
And clung to my mother’s hand
Like a wounded soldier
Clutches his crucifix.

My world was massive
And frightening.

In kindergarten
They taught me
When I saw the atomic flash
I must
Drop and Cover.

At the crossing I was to
Stop, Look and Listen.

At the street corner
I must
Look Both Ways.

Smokey said
Only I Can Prevent
Forest Fires.

Were I to catch fire
I was to
Stop, Drop and Roll.

I was warned to
Never take candy from a stranger.

From the pulpit
The preacher shouted I was
Going to hell.

President Roosevelt was wrong
In saying
All I have to fear is fear itself.

President Kennedy warned
I lived beneath a
Nuclear Sword of Damocles.

So much for a five year old to fear!
Surely the world would become more friendly
As I aged.

Not so.

All the old fears remained
And I was to learn new ones.

Just because she says
She loves me
Does not mean she does.

Just because I have a job
Does not mean
I may keep it.

Just because I do not smoke
Does not mean
I do not have cancer.

Just because I seem safe
Does not mean
I am.

Just because the dog wags its tail
Does not mean
It does not bite.

Just because I obey the traffic laws
Does not mean
A drunk driver will not kill me.

So why do they laugh when I say
I want my mommy?


Unknown said...

I love this poem because it is raw. I love raw because its' naked. I love that you remember the 1st love in your life that ever comforted you.
I love that you wanted your mommy.....I understand!
Others didn't understand because of the(4)edges of the box they live in.

Forever Etched In Time
The Goddess of Love

Unknown said...

I love this poem because it is raw. I love raw because its' naked. I love that you remember the comfort your the 1st love in your life gave you.
I love that you wanted her to comfort you again...I understand!
Others didn't understand because of the(4)edges of the box they live in.

Forever Etched In Time,
The Greek Goddess,