Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Intruding Pain *

Often deep in the night
There are moments in life
That pain will intrude
And cut like a knife.

Its blade will slash
Will slice, chop and pierce
Like the claws of a lion
Frightful, lethal and fierce.

Though pain come in manifold ways
It divides soul from spirit
Cause you to weep and to beg
To squirm, scream and fear it.

Pain is a thief, a killer and thug.
It will dismantle your joy
Make you crave death
As it plays you like its toy.

You may bargain with God.
You may cry to the skies.
You may shudder and quake.
You may reduce to whimpering sighs.

Sometimes there is little left you
But take courage and be strong.
Though pain may be cruel
It must not stay for long.

* To those who suffer....eighteen years ago I survived a massive intracranial bleed. It nearly took my life. I continue to struggle with severe pain, but it's managed with strong medication, and prayer, accompanied by meditative technique. These all work to manage the effects of pain, or at least make its occurrence more brief. Nevertheless, pain sometimes gains a purchase in my body (like now). When pain grows stubborn, and the battle becomes desperate, I have discovered that, if I do the inner work, pain can make me a stronger, sweeter version of my old self. I empathize with you, if you suffer. My prayer for you is that pain diminish quickly, but when it endures, make you a better, more determined person.