Friday, June 3, 2016


I shed my life
Like a snake does its skin.
Turned a corner
And started again.
But it don’t matter
Much anyway.
It takes more than
Just turning away.

The past somehow
Follows me around.
It disregards both
The smile and the frown.
It must take more
Than trying again.
It is harder than
Deciding to win.

I wanted to leave
Some kind of trace
To prove that
I ran in this race.
But all that
Seems silly now.
It takes more than
A hope or a vow.

Guess I’ll rise up
And try one more time.
I’m in for a dollar
In for dime.
I’ll give this
One more try.
I’ll do this thing right
Or I’ll die.

Aw, but listen to me.
Ain’t it true
What will be
Will be?
Here I stand
With my back to the wall.
It takes desperation
For a man to stand tall.


Tim O'Keefe said...

Love the rhythm. Love the rhyme. Weird, but I enjoy the desperation. Maybe because we all want to leave our mark. This being the end of the school year for me - I think of the mark I hope to leave on all of those brilliant young minds. Will I have made a lasting difference? Hard to say.

But even as a young man working in a steel mill, or a waiter, or a song writer/troubadour - isn't it essential that we all try to leave something of ourselves behind. Yeah, I read something that hit a cord. Thanks.

The Dashboard Poet said...

You have certainly left your legacy in the lives of every child you've taught. And that's just your students! Imagine all the others you've touched over the years. Tim, if "marks" were dollars, you would be a wealthy man.