Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Ripper*

The are shadows
In the night
Where I hide
From others' sight
There are shadows
Giving fright
Where dwells nothing.

In these empty realms
Where thrives shade
Where nothing lives
That was made
In the darkness
Colors fade
All is bloodless.

Nothingness resides here.
Gone all created things
Barking dogs
Voices that sing
It all has gone away
From beggar man to king.
The dark is lonely.

But I am watching you
From here.
From the bleakness
Where is no air
Within the shadows
You have no prayer.
You are mine now.

* This gruesome little verse is a brief glimpse through the eyes of a twisted killer. I spent 5 years working in a prison. While there, I met the most frightening man I've ever known. He was a serial killer; a hired gun, an assassin. I was alone with this murderer up to 5 hours every week. He had "shark eyes"...dead, dark, forbidding. I never turned my back on this criminal. If ever a mortal had a satanic soul, this man did. He never threatened me. That was not how he did business. He would simply, coldly, and brutally take your life. Watch your "donkey," people. Stay in the light.
~ James